
Junior School Curriculum

Junior School Academic Curriculum

Our day is a mixture of core learning experiences, enriched by time spent in specialist facilities.  We believe that experience with the arts, language and physical activities is crucial to this development and therefore have deliberately built in exposure to these as a fundamental part of a child’s learning journey each week.

Students are organised in Stage groups according to the Board of Studies model:

Early Stage One: Kindergarten
Stage One: Year 1
Year 2
Stage Two: Year 3
Year 4
Stage Three: Year 5
Year 6

Students in each stage undertake core experiences in the Key Learning Areas of English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE), Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA).

As an adjunct to this Core Curriculum we have programmed the specialist study of a Language (French), Music, Visual Arts (Years 3 -6), PE, Philosophy, Drama (Year 5 -6), Science (Year 6)

In keeping with our vision to equip our students for the future, digital skills and technology are increasingly embedded as part of everyday learning for all stages.  Students have access to interactive white boards, computers and tablets to enrich their learning.

Our Core Learning Support team, work with classroom teachers to provide group learning, individual programs for support, specific literacy and numeracy support programs and the ongoing assessments of student progress.  This highly trained team works to support and extend student learning as needs arise. Extension programs are also available.

The David Wright Library forms part of the resources for all students.  Classroom teachers team teach with the Head of Library to facilitate research skills, reading programs, technology skills and time management.  Significant reading resources are also based in the K – 6 classrooms.